Wednesday 31 October 2012


These are questions I am supposed to answer from IQ ( who has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award. (YAYY)

1. If you were a fruit, which fruit would you be? kiwi

2. If you were a drink, which drink would you be? brandy

3. If you were a season, which season would you be? fall

4. If you were a gadget, which gadget would you be? iphone

5. If you were a song, which song would you be? embraceable you

6. If you were an animal, which animal would you be? rabbit

7. If you were a colour, which colour would you be? blue

8. If you could be anywhere in the world, where would it be? london (UK)

9. If you could have anything materialistic, what would it be? shoes!

10. If you had to get rid of a bad habit, what habit would it be? smoking

11. If you were me, what would you love most about yourself? smile :D

Thursday 12 July 2012

Old Birds

Good morning heheheheheeh

:) not much to tell today went to point pelee and the tour guide said keep your eye out for new birds.So said new one never mind that where the hell are the old one cause all i see are bugs and trees and i paid $25 for this i can go outside the park sit on a bench and see that for free.
Needless to say some of these old folk ya know the 90 yr olds did not like my tone as one said i swore i said you call that swearing that you have spent too much time in this park looking for birds.

until next time:) Daisy

Friday 6 July 2012


Well not a lot to report today there are a crap load of bikers in the cottage next door and they seem to be nice (or are they just plotting something for the weeeee hrs of the evening when they show their true selves mmmmmmmm maybe i should bolt the door and put bars on the windows, but wait i would have to pay for that crap man nahhhhh think i;ll just take me chances or should i ?????????

till the next adventure comes along i'll be seeing yah

Thursday 5 July 2012


Good mornin!

man me is gettin a really good tan up here and went to Amersburs to watch the reenactment of the war of 1812 and i didn't know they were gonna ask questions after cause i wasn't paying any attention at all i was lookin at this tall dark haired guy who was part of the show, he was freakin hot yummyyyyyyy heheheheh anyhows the guy asked if we remembered why the war started and wtf he picked me i didn't know cause like i said i wasn't listening at all so i said if he was there it was probably two women fighting over him cause everyone knows that a woman can cause a lot of shit man lol.Well to my surprise it was the wrong answer but all the women in the group agreed with me and it got a pretty good laugh.

Will keep you  posted on upcoming (EVENTS)!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Scared Shitless

This is an email I sent my favourite coworkers while on my 2 week vacation cottaging!

Dear, P and K

There is a really bad thunder and lightening storm here and i am scared out of my freaking mind.The first two days were so hot and got a really great tan to man, and today stuck inside doing nothing but that again i think that's the whole point of getting away righttttttt.So how is work? and say hi to Jason and Stathy for me oh and this is so funny i always use baby shampoo to wash me eyes in the morning and i forgot to bring mine so went to go get some and i saw this corner store so went in and there were all these women folding clothes and just shit and they were looking at me like i was from another planet, so i asked if they had baby shampoo and not one of them said a word so i asked again and still they just looked at me and it was kind of weird like something from a Stephen king movie ya know where they all attack you cause they are like not human.It was so weird so i just turned around and left well actually i think i ran lol.I went just up the street to another store and got the shampoo and i told the girl about the other place and how weird it was and she said they are minanites) not sure if i am spelling it right but who cares anyhow and she said they they never talk to anyone other than there own and she laughed at me and said so you went in their store and they said nothing and i said ya man i thought i was in a Stephen King movie.I said i shouild go bavck and ask if i can get a block of butter lol get it they make their own butter lololol.

missing you K and P

Thursday 19 April 2012

old friends

I recently got together with  my friend from 29 years ago and it was like we never were apart.We talked about things we did that should never be told lol, so i will tell you my story from the beginning when we first me and hold on to your boost because it's gonna be a great blast from the past so i will see you today when my story will begin as i do have to go to work this morning.

Have a great day:) Daisy

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Finding Myself: Why are we this way?

Finding Myself: Why are we this way?: It's Monday morning and your alarm clock tells you it's time to get up look alive or at least try to and start your week, the only problem i...